We create bespoke timetables for each pupil we teach. We often weave in art, such as pottery throwing, for example, into our sessions in order to quell anxiety and build self-esteem. We use activities out in nature/the community together with academic learning to promote mindfulness and a sense of achievement.
What’s on offer?
Academic qualifications: GCSE: English, Maths, Science, Media Studies, Religious Studies, Geography, IT.
Vocational qualifications:
AIM Award/BTec Sport
Functional skills: English, Maths and Science.
SEND provision: We tailor all of our sessions to an individual child’s needs. We work particularly well with pupils with SEMH needs/anxiety/low self-esteem.
Therapeutic/nurture/wellbeing support: Our whole ethos is one of listening and responding to young people; making them feel like they matter. We use mindfulness such as breathing techniques and visualisation strategies to equip youngsters to manage their emotions.
Fees: £55 per hour
£330 for six hours
£880 for sixteen hours
£7040 per term