What’s on offer?
We are a small alternative provision that treasures the children and young people we work with. We believe in keeping learners at the heart of everything we do. Supporting young people through life’s challenges and ensuring trusting relationships are formed with families and carers.
We provide our learners with bespoke packages of education and celebrate all of their achievements. Our aim is to encourage them to achieve both their academic and personal potential.
We offer:
- Re-engagement to learning
- Living in the wider world
- Relationships
- Health & Wellbeing
- Online Safety
- Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- ART Interventions
- Independent Skills
- Budgeting,
Home Cooking Skills
- Independent Travel Training
- Preparing for Adulthood
- KS2&3 Curriculum
- Bespoke interventions with animals
- Love of Reading
- Learning Outside the Classroom
- Allotment
- Employability Skills
- Cultural Capital
- British Values
- Bespoke programmes to meet individual learner EHCP targets
- Transitioning to college and school placements
- Sensory Experiences
- Times tables Rockstars
Academic qualifications:
GCSE English and GCSE Maths
Vocational qualifications:
- ASDAN short courses
- Animal Care
- Environmental
- Expressive Arts
- FoodWise
- Gardening
- Living Independently
- RoadWise
- Activities and Peer Tutoring
- Sports and Fitness
- Football
Preparing for adulthood pathways
Functional skills:
English and Maths
SEND provision:
At FAB Learning we pride ourselves in creating flexible educational programmes which are personalised to the individual, whether that’s re-engaging a young person with education or gaining specific skills. Our services extend to providing support for children and young people who face challenges such as potential permanent exclusion, significant attendance issues, or vulnerability associated with special educational needs.
We offer a broad curriculum for learners aged between 8-19 for a maximum of 16 hours tuition a week for KS2, KS3, KS4 and Post 16. Personalised packages are created to include a mix of curriculum and therapeutic programmes. The sessions are run in community venues. Sessions run from 9am – 12 then 12:30-3:30.
Our sessions take place within the community. We use public libraries, cafes and rented centres. We also have an allotment for students who love the outdoors.
Fees: £55 per hour