APTCOO’s vision is to support young people from early years through to adulthood to enable them to achieve their full potential in life. Our approach removes ‘barriers to learning’ through confidence building, exploration of potential, encouraging good attendance; reducing disaffection, exclusion and relieving difficult family circumstances.
APTCOO is able to provide bespoke provision for all students. We are totally flexible and young people are involved in the design of a personal programme based around their strengths, abilities, aspirations and life goals.
These interpersonal and intrapersonal skills have been shown to improve learning and promote emotional health and wellbeing, alongside a range of other benefits to pupils, families and schools. We keep classes very small to ensure learners receive the correct amount of support and attention from a skilled educational team.
APTCOO Independent Special School offers pathways tailored to a learner’s interests and academic capability from early intervention level through to vocational, functional and GCSE accredited qualifications in all curricular subjects. We have qualified tutors who can teach and work together with partners to support the external assessment and examination process.
What’s on offer?
Academic qualifications:
APTCOO offers a personalised learning programme, pathways are tailored to a learner’s interests and academic capability from early intervention level through to vocational, functional and GCSE accredited qualifications in all curricular subjects. We have qualified tutors who can teach and work together with partners to support the external assessment and examination process.
Vocational qualifications:
APTCOO offers a personalised learning programme which is tailored to a learner’s interests and academic capability from early intervention level through to vocational, functional and GCSE accredited qualifications in all curricular subjects. We have qualified tutors who can teach and work together with partners to support the achievement, internal external assessment, and examination process.
We also deliver bespoke post 16 vocational pathways which are again tailored to the individual and their interests and aspirations.
Functional skills:
APTCOO offers a personalised learning programme, pathways are tailored to a learner’s interests and academic capability from early intervention level through to vocational, functional and GCSE accredited qualifications in all curricular subjects. We have qualified tutors who can teach and work together with partners to support the, achievement, internal external assessment and examination process.
SEND provision:
Yes, APTCOO offers an inclusive, safe and nurturing environment supporting learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who have struggled to make progress in mainstream or special school settings. Our learners range in age from early years through to 25 years old. Learners attending APTCOO will typically be experiencing significant barriers to learning because of their social and emotional needs, often combined with behaviours of concern. We have created an all-encompassing curriculum that reflects the SEND Code of Practice 2015 placing a high priority in building social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL). We are committed to the following principles:
• Raising confidence, achieving personal progress and measurable outcomes
• The relationship of every student to their family, community and to nature, culture and society
• Realising and reaching every student’s capacity and potential including preparation for adulthood
• Supporting the return to mainstream and/or special school or entry to sixth form, further education or employment
• The right of the student to protection from harm or abuse and to the promotion of their overall wellbeing
Therapeutic/nurture/wellbeing support:
APTCOO provide a therapeutic and academic programme to enable our students to get back on track and reconnect with their peers, families, school and local community. Our education provision offers a personalised and flexible curriculum. The academic provision is interwoven with a comprehensive personal and social education programme and range of therapies.